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2 лет назад
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <CommandTable xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/2005-10-18/CommandTable" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  3. <Extern href="stdidcmd.h"/>
  4. <Extern href="vsshlids.h"/>
  5. <Commands package="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenu">
  6. <Groups>
  7. <Group guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands" />
  8. </Groups>
  9. <Buttons>
  10. <Button guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="Command1Id" type="Button">
  11. <Icon guid="guidImages" id="bmpPic1" />
  12. <Strings>
  13. <ButtonText>Ajouter à SVN</ButtonText>
  14. </Strings>
  15. </Button>
  16. </Buttons>
  17. <Bitmaps>
  18. <Bitmap guid="guidImages" href="Resources\Command1.png" usedList="bmpPic1"/>
  19. </Bitmaps>
  20. </Commands>
  21. <CommandPlacements>
  22. <!-- Placement for group. The parent of a group is a menu, context menu or toolbar.
  23. The priority sets the position of the group compared to the priority of other existing groups in the menu.
  24. -->
  25. <CommandPlacement guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands" priority="0xFFFF">
  26. <!-- The parent of the group will be the file context menu -->
  27. <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_ITEMNODE"/>
  28. </CommandPlacement>
  29. <CommandPlacement guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands" priority="0xFFFF">
  30. <!-- The parent of the group will be the Web file context menu -->
  31. <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_WEBITEMNODE"/>
  32. </CommandPlacement>
  33. <CommandPlacement guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands" priority="0xFFFF">
  34. <!-- The parent of the group will be the file context menu when more than one file is selected in the same project -->
  35. <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_XPROJ_PROJITEM"/>
  36. </CommandPlacement>
  37. <CommandPlacement guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands" priority="0xFFFF">
  38. <!-- The parent of the group will be the file context menu when more than one file is selected in different projects -->
  39. <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_XPROJ_MULTIITEM"/>
  40. </CommandPlacement>
  41. <!-- Placement for command. The parent of a command is always a group, never a menu, context menu or toolbar. -->
  42. <CommandPlacement guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="Command1Id" priority="0x0001" >
  43. <Parent guid="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" id="MyGroupForCommands"/>
  44. </CommandPlacement>
  45. </CommandPlacements>
  46. <Symbols>
  47. <GuidSymbol name="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenu" value="{669df51d-2588-4d30-962e-0070898e765e}" />
  48. <GuidSymbol name="guidVSPackageCommandFileContextMenuCmdSet" value="{b394839a-d886-44d2-94c9-ffeeb48d97d5}">
  49. <IDSymbol name="MyGroupForCommands" value="0x1020" />
  50. <!-- Warning!!: Keep the value in sync with the code in Command1.cs -->
  51. <IDSymbol name="Command1Id" value="0x0100" />
  52. </GuidSymbol>
  53. <GuidSymbol name="guidImages" value="{607712a0-e7d0-4020-a5cc-8f4244dbc395}" >
  54. <IDSymbol name="bmpPic1" value="1" />
  55. </GuidSymbol>
  56. </Symbols>
  57. </CommandTable>